In 2017, 5 years already
VDLV, the french manufacturer of e-liquids : 5 years already !
In 2017, VDLV is celebrating its 5th anniversary.
Time has come for VDLV, manufacturer of Vincent dans les vapes and Cirkus e-liquids to revisit key moments.

VDLV company was founded in 2012. However it all started in 2010 in the European Institut of Chemistry and Biology near Bordeaux in France. Vincent Cuisset who is an engineer specialized in metrology and quality, discovered the electronic cigarette. Immediately enthusiast about his discovery, he was yet concerned about the composition of e-liquids. He started with a very demanding specification in order to choose flavours especially made for inhalation with respect to food quality. After two years of research and development with equipments of production and analysis, he launched the first VDLV brand : Vincent dans les Vapes.
These high quality e-liquids contain exclusively natural flavours made in France. VDLV headquater is located in Pessac nearby Bordeaux.
October 2013 : VDLV took part into a major event : a demonstration in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in order to defend the e-cigarette industry, threaten by a medical measure and ruled by the article 18 of the Tobacco Directive.
It was therefore paramount for VDLV to become independent. A few months later FIVAPE ( Interprofessional Federation of Vape) was born, of which VDLV is a member. The key role of FIVAPE is to defend the interests of both e-cigarette consumers and professionals.

April 2014 : VDLV created a private partnership with the French Laboratory of E-liquids (LFEL), an independent laboratory which creates, produces and analyses e-liquids and nicotine bases.
A Research and Development Department which belongs to the LFEL, aims at observing and understanding the physico-chemicals parameters linked to the vape products. While supporting research, VDLV contributes to creating an area of scientific expertise dedicated to research about the composition of E-liquids and flavours.

December 2014 : VDLV innovated and developed new flavours bringing alltogether for the first time the authenticity of natural flavors and the tasting intensity of chemical flavors. Consequently, e-liquids of the Cirkus range were very successful.
In 2015 : during a brand-new scientific experience which wa unfortunately not successful, Vincent discovered unsuspected capillary properties in his e-liquids. This new discovery hasn’t been implemented yet…

9th September 2016 : VDLV was officially AFNOR certified for its e-liquids. It’s a first as the company is committed to manufacturing high quality, safe e-liquids and has done its very best to inform consumers. This certification represents a significant step in the implementation of standards regarding the composition of e-liquids. At present VDLV remains very active into European (CEN) and worldwide ( ISO) standardization works.
May 2017 : After many years of procedures and audits, VDLV was successfully COFRAC certified for the analysis of nicotine in e-liquids using the HPLC technic. It’s the first time in Europe that an independent laboratory obtains this kind of accreditation.
NB 2019: Due to its upcoming move to a new production site in Cestas, VDLV had to suspend its accreditation on July 31, 201. Nevertheless, the skills of its analytical laboratory remain unchanged.

In September 2017 : VDLV started to commercialize its own vapological nicotine which is the result of many years of research. It’s produced in Pessac, France in VDLV new production plant.
It has specifically been made for inhalation thanks to a method of extraction based on green chemistry principles.
The career path taken by VDLV has helped discover the story of French vape : a recent story but so rich of founding events. VDLV is at the same time a committed, demanding and innovating company and looks forward to a future full of surprises !