DIY is short for “Do It Yourself”. Veteran vapers may produce their own e-liquids by blending the various elements: PG/VG base, flavouring, nicotine booster. This permits the creation of original compositions and financial savings.
But be careful: DIY must be practised in a strictly safe context by experienced persons. Some aromas of alimentary quality are totally unsuited for inhalation. It is important to respect the recommended dosages and user precautions described on the product labels. The preparation also requires safe equipment and safe surroundings: gloves and safety goggles. VDLV proposes an entire range of products and accessories for the creation of your own e-liquids under the best conditions.
You can also blend single-aroma type e-liquids with each other, without the use of concentrated flavours, which is sometimes complex. In this case, the vaper must use e-liquids with the same PG/VG base and the same nicotine content.