Promote Proud & committed French vaping. the Vapology Our commitments Proud & committed French vaping. Develop the Vapology Our commitments Proud & committed French vaping. the Vapology Legitimize Our commitments
Proud & committed
French vaping.
Promote the Vapology Our commitments
Proud & committed
French vaping.
the Vapology Develop Our commitments
Proud & committed
French vaping.
Our commitments the Vapology Legitimize

VDLV, french e-liquids producer for vape


VDLV is committed to promote, develop and legitimize the vapology


This is our role as leader. This is what we do with our institutional partners, farmers, engineers, distributors… Committed, together, to open the path to change for millions of people. An ethical vape – a clean French nicotine – capable of radically changing the situation.

Stop smoking, vape responsibly, understand the addiction processes, fight against misinformation, support thousands of professionals, develop a positive world, made of pleasure, commitment and serenity.

The next world.


VAPOLOGY – name /va.po.lo.ʒi/
From the word “vape” and the suffix “-logy” (science, discourse). Vapology usually refers to the science of vaping. It encompasses the study and knowledge of vaping products in their entirety.


Let’s bring together the values ​​of a vape that changes the game.


Pioneers of Vapology, we are developing the world “after cigarettes”.


We do not respect the standards, we exceed them. Our pride is your health.


+33 (0)5 56 10 16 16


2 chemin des Arestieux

33610 Cestas



Opening hours

Monday to Thursday

9AM-12AM / 2PM-4PM